14 Benefits of Eating Liver (A Noble Superfood)


Are you searching for a natural superfood that gives you what you need? Let's discuss the benefits of eating liver! 

This organ meat is a culinary delicacy and a treasure of essential vitamins and minerals.

This guide will delve into 14 compelling reasons to make the liver a staple in your diet. 

So, if you're keen on optimizing your well-being with nutrient-rich foods, read on to see why liver deserves a spot on your plate. 

Key Takeaways

  • The liver is low in calories and brims with essential vitamins like A, D, and the B complex. 
  • It's a rich source of Iron, ensuring your body produces healthy red blood cells.
  • The liver enhances brain health thanks to its abundance of B vitamins and nutrients like choline,
  • The liver is your heart's ally. It's packed with beneficial fats and proteins that can safeguard your heart and keep it ticking smoothly.
  • Specific compounds in beef liver have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth. Yet another compelling reason to embrace this natural superfood in your diet!

Why is liver a superfood?

The liver is an organ meat loaded with a wealth of nutrients. It's a superfood tucked away in the bodies of animals, contributing to some vital processes such as digestion, nutrient storage, and getting rid of toxins.

The liver provides many essential vitamins and minerals while maintaining low-calorie content. 

Our humble liver touts itself as one of the best sources of vitamin A or retinol from all foods.

And that's not all—during those chilly winter or autumn months when sunshine feels scarce, the liver serves as a rich dietary source of vitamin D!

Nutritional Profile of Liver

It's time to delve into the abundant nutritional reservoir of the liver. This organ meat has flavor and contains essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. 

Here's an illustrative table to break it down for you:

Nutrient Amount (per 100g of beef liver)
Calories 135
Protein 20.4g
Fat 3.6g
Saturated Fat 1.2g
Cholesterol 396mg
Vitamin A 16,898IU
Vitamin D 19IU
Vitamin B12 59.3mcg
Iron 4.9mg
Folate 260mcg

 The fat content in the liver, while managing to be low, is mainly saturated, and coupled with cholesterol, it helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A and D. 

The liver's high vitamin A and iron content makes it a potent source of these nutrients.

However, pregnant women and older individuals must take caution due to the high vitamin A content. 

Consuming liver from animals raised in welfare-oriented environments minimizes toxic exposure.

Top Health Benefits of Eating Liver

Top Health Benefits of Eating Liver

Feasting on the liver, often dubbed a nutritional powerhouse or 'superfood,' packs your body with essential benefits.

It has everything, from carrying heaps of vitamins A, D, and B to bolstering bone health!

Nutrient-Dense Food

The liver ascends to superfood status for its incredible nutrient density. Low in calories yet high in essential vitamins and minerals, it beats many other foods regarding nutritional value per bite.

Impressive concentrations of vitamin A, D, and B complex provide dynamic support for body functions and metabolic processes. (1)

Accompanied by substantial amounts of beneficial Iron—especially the haem form—it's just what you need to keep those iron stores replenished! (2)

The liver is an edible multivitamin.

Don't shy away from saturated fats or cholesterol either—they easily fit into a balanced diet when you enjoy liver dishes wisely!

Rich Source of Vitamin A

The type of Vitamin A found in the liver, known as retinol, is more accessible for the body to use than plant nutrient sources.

This organ meat stands apart from other food items due to its significantly high content of this essential vitamin, which helps improve vision and supports a healthy immune system.

Valuable Source of Vitamin D

The liver stands out as a virtual powerhouse of Vitamin D. This essential nutrient is vital to maintaining robust bones and teeth and optimizes muscle function while supporting your immune system.

With the sun shy during fall and winter, the liver continues providing this vital vitamin, reducing risk factors like a weak immune system or increased chances of bone fractures linked to deficiency.

The significant amount present in the liver aids in averting such health concerns effectively. 

So next time on your grocery run, include some liver for its deep well of Vitamin D, especially useful when basking in sunlight isn't feasible!

Packed with B Vitamins

Your body thrives on B vitamins, and organ meat like liver is a powerful source. This superfood offers an impressive array of these essential nutrients. 

The liver lights up the nutritional scoreboard with thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin (vitamin B7), folate (vitamin B9) and cobalamin (vitamin B12).

Each bite of the liver fuels your body's energy production and red blood cell formation while supporting cell metabolism and DNA synthesis. 

Are you worried about nerve function? 

Eating liver can alleviate such concerns! Its rich reserves of vitamin B12 play a crucial role in maintaining nerve health.

Frequent fatigue or weakness can signal lackluster levels of specific necessary vitamins—B vitamins—but adding more liver to your plate will help ward off such deficiencies.

High in Iron

Your body might signal iron deficiency if you've felt wiped out or dizzy. The liver can come to your rescue here! This organ meat stands high on the pedestal regarding iron content.

Iron is an essential nutrient that powers up red blood cell production, helping with adequate oxygen distribution in your body; think of it as having extra fuel for a long road trip.

If you're pushing yourself physically or menstruating, tossing a liver steak on the grill might keep those fatigue blues away and boost performance levels better than any energy drink! 

Now, isn't this underrated superfood worth exploring more?

Supports Mental Health

Choosing liver as part of your diet may be a boon to your mental health. The organ meat teems with nutrients directly involved in elevating moods and promoting better cognition.

For instance, choline, an essential nutrient found abundantly in beef liver, fuels our brain cells and assists them to communicate efficiently. (3)

This can result in improved memory function, increased concentration, and stable mood swings while preventing more serious conditions like dementia.

Another element worthy of note is riboflavin, or vitamin B2, which is present bountifully in this superfood and is known for its role in warding off depression symptoms. 

By delivering these powerful nutrients straight into our system, every bite we take enjoying this nutrient-dense delicacy equates to a step towards robust mental well-being.

Bolsters, Bone, and Dental Health

Eating liver significantly boosts bone and dental health. This superfood is jam-packed with vitamin A, Iron, and fat-soluble vitamins like D that strengthen the skeletal system.

These fortifying elements also play a pivotal role in improving tooth structure by boosting enamel hardness. 

Beyond this, its high nutrient density further supplements other body functions intricately connected to bone and dental well-being.

However, discretion should be exercised, especially for pregnant women, due to the potential risk of excessive Vitamin A intake causing congenital disabilities. 

So next time you're planning your week's menu or looking for something different to try at the butcher shop, why not pick up some liver?

Anti-Cancer Properties

Eating liver fights cancer. It's an odd fact but utterly authentic. The liver's wealth of antioxidant vitamins – A, C, and E – shields our cells from oxidative stress and blocks the potential risk of cancer development.

These robust defenders wage war against free radicals, spawning cell function anomalies.

Trace minerals like zinc and copper keep cells healthy, fortifying the body's natural defense against disease proliferation and cancer. 

Selenium is an intriguing component found abundantly in the liver; it doesn't just boost our memory function (as if that wasn't impressive enough). 

It also reduces risk factors for certain types of cancers by reducing straying inflammation and slowing tumor growth progression.

Simply amazing!

The liver's hefty quantities of vitamin B could lend us some anti-cancer benefits, too, by regulating positive cell growth behavior, thus dually giving body tissue repair functions a little pep up as well as staving off defects leading to severe ailments such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's - conditions both linked with increased susceptibility to developing cancer.

In short, there is more reason than ever to put liver back on your dinner plate tonight!

Enhances Heart Health

Feasting on the liver can work wonders for your heart health. This mighty superfood, particularly beef and chicken liver, contains various nutrients that protect and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

As nature's multivitamin, livers are dense in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, and K. Its stockpile of minerals like Iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and selenium sure does its bit to shield your ticker from harm.

But get this – the benefits multiply if the liver you munch on hails from organic grass-fed or pasture-raised animals. Swipe right for hearty helpings!

Boosts Cognition

Eating liver can be a brain booster due to its rich stores of essential vitamins. Specifically, Vitamin A in the liver works overtime to aid brain function and support overall cognitive health.

The vitamin D present synchronizes with this effort, essential in maintaining mental functions. B Vitamins such as folate, choline, and vitamin B12 also contribute considerably - all working together for stellar brain health and effective cognitive operation.

Moreover, your thinking cap will thank you when it reaps the benefits of ingesting liver because it indirectly augments cognitive functionality by supporting healthy liver detoxification processes.

Aids Gastrointestinal Health

Including the liver in your diet can significantly boost your gastrointestinal health. This nutrient-dense organ meat serves as an excellent source of Iron, ensuring the smooth functioning of the gut.

Further enhancing its significance, it helps efficiently absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A and D. This absorption plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Opt for liver from animals raised with higher welfare standards to reap these benefits while minimizing potential toxin exposure. 

Consuming the liver moderately and within a well-rounded diet is vital to maintaining balance and overall wellness of the body functions, including those of the gut.

Improves Eye Health

Loaded with the potent form of Vitamin A, the liver provides a natural boost to your eye health. Including generous servings in your diet can combat night blindness and keep dry eyes at bay.

High-quality liver, especially from free-range animals, is an exceptional source of retinol; this active form of Vitamin A directly aids visual function.

Chowing down on delicious liver offers short-term and long-term benefits for our peepers. Consistent consumption helps maintain good vision and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

That's right! Your favorite organ meat dish could be your ticket to sustained clear vision in the long run.

Strengthens Immune Function

Eating liver can turn your immune system into a powerhouse, ready to keep unwanted germs at bay. The essential nutrients and antioxidants in organ meat help the system fight infection.

Don't let minor colds or tiredness interrupt your life; let grass-fed, free-range, pasture-raised liver fill the role of an invisible shield against illnesses!

Contains Enzymes That Support Your Liver's Health

Eating your liver is like unlocking a goldmine of beneficial enzymes for your own liver's health. These potent helpers buzz around, vital to your body's detoxification processes.

They tirelessly contribute to the properly functioning, breakdown, and synthesis of various compounds. 

Regular consumption can prove particularly helpful for those suffering from liver conditions or simply aiming to give their liver the nourishing support it deserves! 

A well-serviced engine always runs smoother, after all, right? 

So give that hard-working organ some much-deserved rest by loading up on nutrient-dense livers now and then.


Different Types of Liver and their Benefits

Explore the unique benefits of various types of liver - from beef and calf to chicken and pork. Each offers a distinctive nutrient profile capable of enhancing your health in surprising ways.

Ready for your culinary adventure into the world of the liver? Stay tuned!

Beef Liver

Beef liver offers nutritional benefits, keeping your body fueled and radiant. It outclasses most muscle meats regarding the abundance of critical nutrients. 

Its low-calorie profile is pleasantly surprising, considering the mound of essential vitamins and minerals it contains.

Gracing your diet with beef liver adds Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin D, and Iron to your meals. 

Not all livers are equal, though - choosing those from high-welfare animals can minimize exposure to toxins.

However, pregnant folks or gout patients may need to limit their consumption due to high vitamin A levels or purines, respectively.

Calf Liver

Calf liver boasts a milder flavor than beef, making it an ideal choice for those new to consuming organ meats. It is an impressive source of vital nutrients such as copper, vitamin A, and B12.

These nutrients boost energy levels and target low blood cell count in individuals with anemia. 

Moreover, people struggling with adrenal fatigue, thyroid-related issues, or poor cellular functions can find relief in the health-supporting properties found in this offal dish.

Consuming calf liver may benefit those battling autoimmune diseases and cancer due to its rich nutrient content.

Chicken Liver

Chicken liver stands out as one of the healthiest foods you can eat. 

Known for its rich nutritional profile, this type of liver is packed with many vitamins, such as A, B1 through to B12, and C, along with minerals like Iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and selenium.

It provides nutrients that support your cognitive function and heart health and promotes overall well-being by supplying enough energy for the day. 

Liver lovers struggling with issues like low energy levels or anemia could benefit from chicken liver because it significantly improves blood health.

Organic options from pastured or grass-fed chickens offer maximum benefits due to their higher nutrient content than conventionally-raised counterparts. 

Despite its myriad benefits, pregnant women should opt not to eat chicken liver due to its high Vitamin A content, which may be harmful during pregnancy.

Pork Liver

Pork liver stands out in the realm of organ meats for its powerhouse nutritional content. Low in calories yet loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, it's a must-try superfood for meat lovers and followers of a carnivore diet.

A single serving can provide you with generous amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and B Vitamins. 

Notably, it's an excellent source of Iron - especially the highly absorbable form known as "haem." As if that weren't enough, pork liver is also ducked full of fat-soluble nutrients, including cholesterol, which could aid bodily functions while supporting your body to soak up all those lovely provident vitamins! 

Opt for pork liver from well-cared-for animals living under higher welfare standards for optimal health benefits without exposure to toxins.


Who Should and Shouldn't Consume Liver?

Liver, low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, can be an excellent addition to many diets. However, it's not for everyone. 

Pregnant women should steer clear of the liver due to its high Vitamin A content, which could lead to congenital disabilities when consumed excessively.

Likewise, individuals diagnosed with gout may need to lay off the liver, too, because they might struggle to metabolize purines - compounds that can increase uric acid levels in the body, resulting in painful gout flares.

Choosing the best quality liver is also crucial for those taking advantage of this nutrient-dense organ meat. It's ideally derived from animals raised under higher welfare standards, reducing exposure risks to harmful toxins.

On another note, those who can't stomach eating organs are not losing out entirely on their health benefits; liver supplements have you covered! 

Opting for high-quality supplements derived from pasture-raised animals grants a similar line-up of vital nutrients as consuming fresh livers. 

However, always consult your healthcare professional before undertaking significant dietary changes.

For maximum nutritional benefits while keeping potential health issues at bay, striking a perfect balance has never been more paramount than incorporating organ meats like liver into one's diet regimen.

How to Incorporate Liver into Your Diet

How to Incorporate Liver into Your Diet

From adding liver to hearty stews and flavorful stir-fries to grilling it kabob-style or enjoying a traditional serving of liver and onions, there are many tasty ways you can make this nutritious titan part of your regular meal rotation.

Are you curious about some deliciously camouflaging recipes that make even the pickiest eaters love liver? Find out more in the following sections!

Liver Supplements

Liver supplements are a popular choice among those seeking the nutritional benefits of liver without consuming organ meat in its raw form. 

They're packed with countless essential nutrients, including vitamin A, B vitamins, minerals, and even CoQ10—a compound that aids our bodies' energy production process.

Additionally, liver supplements offer convenience as they come neatly packaged in pill or capsule form, which is easy to take daily. To maximize the healthful advantages of these supplements, choosing products derived from pasture-raised animals is critical, as this ensures optimal quality.

However exciting and beneficial liver supplements might sound, they do not replace a varied diet filled with nutrient-dense foods. 

Try incorporating them into your regular menu while fare-diversifying for maximum nutritional gains!


Eating liver offers a gateway to unparalleled nutritional benefits. 

From fortifying your immune system to enhancing mental clarity, the advantages of the liver are vast and varied. 

We introduce the Noble Organs Complex by Noble Origins to harness these benefits. 

This premium blend combines high-quality beef organs sourced from grass-fed New Zealand beef, encapsulating the essence of the liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, and spleen in a convenient, easy-to-use form.

Why Choose Noble Organs Complex?

Pure Nutrition: Experience the power of the liver, nature's nutrient powerhouse, and other beneficial organs.

Easy Integration: Seamlessly add to your meals, smoothies, shakes, or baked items.

Quality Assurance: Each batch undergoes rigorous testing to ensure safety, potency, and consistency.

Noble Origins is driven by a mission that goes beyond products. We aim to improve health across the board—soil health, human health, and societal well-being. 

By choosing our products, you support regenerative farming practices that nurture a healthier ecosystem.

Ready to embark on a transformative health journey? 

Discover the Noble Organs Complex now and align with a mission for a healthier, sustainable world.


Is liver good for you?

Yes, the liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and is packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin A, iron, and B vitamins.

What nutritional benefits does the liver provide?

The liver is high in purines and provides a rich source of vitamin A, iron, and other essential nutrients. It is also a good source of protein and folate.

What are the benefits of eating liver?

Consuming liver can help improve overall health, boost energy levels, enhance brain function, and support healthy skin and hair, among other benefits.

How should I cook liver to retain its nutritional benefits?

Liver can be cooked in various ways, such as sautéing, grilling, or making pâté. It is recommended to avoid overcooking to preserve its nutrient density.

How much beef liver should I consume?

A 3-ounce serving of beef liver provides substantial essential nutrients, so consuming it in moderation a few times a week can be beneficial.

What are the health benefits and risks of consuming liver during pregnancy?

While it is a good source of vitamin A, excessive intake during pregnancy can lead to birth defects. Pregnant women need to consult with a healthcare provider regarding the recommended liver and vitamin A intake.

Can I eat other types of liver besides beef liver?

Yes, other types of liver, such as lamb, duck, and goose liver, also offer nutritional benefits and can be included in a balanced diet.

Related Studies
  1. A study published by PubMed found that liver, including chicken liver, is rich in vitamins A, B2, B12, and C, folic acid, niacin, and pantothenic acid, greatly exceeding that found in any plant-based foods. The study also noted that the liver is rich in minerals, including highly absorbaIroniron, copper, zinc, and tin.
  2. A study published in PubMed explains that two forms of Iron, heme and nonheme, are found in foods. Heme iron is highly bioavailable, although it represents a minor part of diet iron, while nonh Iron is less bioavailable. The study suggests that efficient intestinal iron bioavailability is essential to reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia.
  3. A study published in PubMed found that choline consumption is associated with improved cognitive function among young and middle-aged adults. The study also proposed the neuroprotective effect of choline consumption and established evidence for future dietary recommendations and nutritional interventions to maintain proper cognitive function among elders aged >60 years in the US.
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