The Incredible Benefits of Raw Oysters

Throw out your viagra, and eat a few Oysters instead. 

"Superfood" is a term that is overused in the modern nutritional space. 

You may have been taught to associate this with Kale, Acai, and other rainbow-colored fruits & vegetables.

You will rarely hear any mention of animal-products or fish on these lists.


This is ironic, because 9 of the 10 foods ranked by micronutrient density are animal-based. Yes, 9 out of the 10. 

Fun fact: Seed oils and Sugar have a whopping 0% Nutrient score. STOP EATING THEM. 
CC: @SeedOilDsrspctr @dranthonygustin

Ok, back on topic.

When you dig into the research, there are very few foods that actually deserve the title "Superfood."

This thread will explain to you why Oysters are The Superfood of the Sea and why you should be regularly incorporating them into your diet.

Oysters are a type of shellfish known as "mollusks" which include:
  • Clams
  • Snails
  • Squid
  • Octopus
  • Scallops
Although Oysters are all classed as "shellfish," there is no relation between oysters and the crustaceans like shrimp, crab, and krill.


Oysters are characterized by having a grey, hard shell and live in salty coastal regions around the world. The briny, flavorful meat is considered a delicacy and for good reason.

There are 4 primary reasons why Oysters are a powerful Ancestral Superfood of the Sea:
  1. Fantastic Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  2. Amazing Protein-to-Calorie Ratio
  3. Nutrient Density
  4. Sexual Enhancement & Aphrodesiac

1. Fantastic Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Oysters are a fantastic source of Omega-3's. Per 1 dozen raw oysters, you are getting almost 1,000 mg of all 3 major.

Omega-3s: ALA, DHA, EPA. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid which means we need to get it from our diet.


There are a few main health benefits of proper Omega-3 Consumption:

  • Lower cardiovascular and all cause mortality risk.
  • Positive brain / cognitive health.
  • Fantastic anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Dietary Omega-3 can reduce high blood pressure.


Looking for the an Omega-3 product you can consume? Check out Wild Fish Oil an Exceptional Purity and Guaranteed Omega-3 Content.


2. Amazing Protein-to-Calorie Ratio

The Protein-to-Calorie ratio of Oysters is remarkable. 

A full dozen oysters only carries 114 calories and 11 g of protein.

Why 11g of protein may not seem like a ton, Oysters rival red meat in terms of protein density.


The Protein-to-Calorie ratio is particularly effective if you are cutting weight. 

Try incorporating a dozen oysters and then 6 oz of red meat as a meal.

You will fill up quickly and be loaded with protein, amino acids, and nutrients for only about 600 calories.

In addition, Oysters are a complete protein source. 

This means that they contain all 9 essential amino acids.

These EAAs are critical for functions throughout your body, which include:

  • Protein synthesis
  • Tissue repair
  • Nutrient absorption

3. Nutrient Density

Oysters are legitimately the most nutrient dense food you can eat, second to liver. 

You can picture Oysters as Seafood Vitamins via the dozen & half dozen.

They are filled with crucial vitamins & minerals that we lack on the Standard American Diet.

A 100g serving of Oysters contains a surplus of the 10 most important food micronutrients:

  • Zinc: 605% RDI
  • Vitamin B12: 324% RDI
  • Copper: 223%
  • Selenium: 91% RDI
  • Vitamin D: 80% RDI
  • Iron: 37% RDI
  • Manganese: 15% RDI
  • Phosphorous: 14% RDI
  • Magnesium: 12% RDI
  • Vitamins B1 & B3: 7% RDI


These Micronutrients have key functions: Vitamin B12 is critical for Nervous System Maintenance and blood cell formation. 

Vitamin D is essential for immune & bone health plus cell growth. Iron is necessary to make hemoglobin and myoglobin.

4. Sexual Enhancement & Aphrodesiac

Oysters have been used as a natural aphrodisiac for 1,000s of years. Giacomo Casanova, one of the most famous lovers in history, was known to guzzle them for breakfast daily due to their potent effects. Why you may ask?

Oysters are simply the best source of Zinc out of any food you can eat.

A single 3-ounce serving of raw oysters has 33 mg of zinc - over 300% of the recommended daily value.


Zinc is critical for male sexuality and fertility. Low Zinc has been proven to negatively impact testosterone levels and sperm quality. 

The powerful @solbrah expands on this topic in one of his mini-threads on Zinc supplementation.

In a 2009 study on rats, Zinc supplementation raised testosterone levels of the rats and also improved sexual competence. 

The study concluded that in males, Zinc has a positive effect on arousal and maintaining an erection.


How to eat Oysters:

For any beginners that are squirmish about the texture or taste of Oysters, fear not! Take your small fork and separate the oyster from the shell.

Use a healthy squeeze of lemon or condiments provided: cocktail sauce & vinegars are delicious flavors.

Finally, slide the oyster out of the shell using gravity and swallow! You will be hit by a flurry of flavor and deliciousness.

This one minute does a fantastic job of showing beginners how to eat these little delicacies.

When ordering Oysters at nice restaurant, you can expect to see multiple varieties of Oysters on the menu.

There are two types of Oysters to familiarize yourself with:

  1. East Coast Oysters & West Coast Oysters
  2. You will develop your palate and preferences over time.

PRO TIP: Learn to shuck your Own Oysters. Instead of paying over $3 for Oysters at a high-end restaurant, learn to shuck them on your own and save a ton of money.

You can buy them for less than a dollar in certain grocery stores! 

To summarize, you should be regularly incorporating Oysters into your daily diet.

They are incredibly nutrient dense, delicious and will help you achieve your goals of living a more optimal life. Enjoy the Superfood of the Sea.

Thanks for reading! If you want to see me breakdown more Animal-based nutrition hit the follow button @MrSollozzo.

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