How to Get Collagen in Your Diet (Collagen Boosting Food & Supplements)

Collagen Boosting Food & Supplements

Are you battling dull skin or creaky joints? It might be time to boost your collagen intake. 

Our bodies slow down collagen production as we age, but you can counteract this natural decline. 

This essential read explores how to get collagen in your diet, spotlighting nutrient-packed foods and top-notch supplements. 

Get ready to rejuvenate your health from the inside out with our expert collagen tips. 

Key Takeaways

  • Collagen helps make your skin firm and keeps joints healthy. Our body's ability to produce this vital protein reduces with age.
  • Including collagen-rich foods like bone broth, skin-on chicken, organ meats, and cashews in our diet can boost collagen levels naturally.
  • The vitamin C present in berries and citrus fruits promotes collagen synthesis. Garlic is also beneficial due to its sulfur content, which helps build collagen.
  • Overeating sugar and refined carbs can damage your skin's elasticity by reducing the effectiveness of collagen proteins. 
  • Collagen supplements are another option that provides concentrated amounts of this essential nutrient, but research their quality before buying!

Understanding collagen & its importance in the body

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, provides structure to numerous organs, tissues, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. (1)

Interestingly enough, collagen forms about one-third of all protein content in your body.

The magic behind collagen lies in its ability to promote elasticity and hydration for your skin. 

Plus, it plays a crucial role in renewing dead skin cells, lending you an anti-aging advantage! It also benefits joint health by maintaining the integrity of cartilage - a rubber-like tissue safeguarding your joints.

Collagen production decreases with age—an average decline beginning from the mid-'20s with a 1% loss each passing year after 40! 

Now that's where diet comes into play—specific foods and supplements can significantly increase collagen levels.

How to Get Collagen in Your Diet?

How do you get more collagen in your diet? Add collagen-rich foods like bone broth, skin-on chicken, organ meats, and cashews onto your plate. (2)

And remember, the marine world - fish and shellfish are powerhouses of this essential nutrient! 

Up for a refreshing twist? Load up on citrus fruits or make a berry-packed fruit salad; they're fantastic sources of vitamin C, which aids collagen production.

So start incorporating these items into your meals to boost your all-important collagen levels.

Bone broth

Bone broth is a highly potent collagen-boosting substance. This savory concoction is rich in collagen type I and promises exceptional skin, wound, and tendon repair.

How so? 

It's the magic of bones simmering for hours, extracting all that valuable animal collagen into your pot.

But there's more than one way to make bone broth! If beef isn't your favorite choice, simply swap it with pork -- another rich source used widely in healthcare settings, too. 

Like its counterparts, pork bone broth delivers remarkable benefits for your overall wellness diet.

Sipping on soups and stews packed with these broths could be your delicious ticket to better skin health and joint functionality.

Skin-on chicken

Skin-on chicken plays a pivotal role in boosting collagen levels. 

You get valuable dietary collagen by adding this protein-rich food to your menu, especially parts like the neck and cartilage.

And it doesn't just stop at skin health! Skin-on chicken can improve fine lines, wrinkles, and crow's feet and enhance overall skin elasticity. 

This is particularly effective when consumed in the form of supplements made from chicken cartilage.

So next time you prepare your meal, don't peel off that skin — savor it for your body's collagen boost!

Organ meats

Organ meats stand as a powerhouse of collagen. Regularly incorporating the liver, heart, kidneys, or brain into your meals can increase your body's collagen levels. 

These might not be typical entrées on your dining table, but they pack a punch for this vital protein.

For instance, beef liver is rich in collagen and vitamin C - an essential nutrient that aids in synthesizing the protein effectively in our bodies. 

You get bonus points if you enjoy offal dishes such as pate or kidney pie! You are delightfully fueling your body with an excellent source of collagen while satisfying your taste buds.

Fish and shellfish

Sardines and other shellfish are excellent collagen sources with essential elements for healthy skin. 

Marine collagen from these sea treasures is easily digestible, making it a favorite in supplements and transplant procedures.

The wealth of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals offered by fish also contributes to optimal skin health and collagen production processes. 

Regular consumption of fish products may help enhance joint function while potentially reducing discomfort associated with arthritis.

So whether you're grilling sardines or preparing a sumptuous shellfish stew, remember each mouthful comes packed with the goodness of nature's best collagen-boosting nutrients!

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are crucial to your body's collagen production.

Packed with vitamin C, these tangy delights empower your body to generate more collagen.

With every bite of a juicy tangerine or a slice of grapefruit, you're offering your body the tools it needs for this vital synthesis process.

Not only do citrus fruits provide an excellent source of essential vitamin C, but they also help maintain skin structure and elasticity. 

Adding some zest to your daily meals with citrus fruits is delicious and incredibly beneficial for boosting collagen levels! 

Enjoy straight from the peel or throw them into salads or smoothies; there are countless ways to enjoy these nutritious powerhouses.

Constant consumption will prove beneficial over time - who said nature's skincare couldn't be tasty?


Berries possess a significant capacity to increase collagen levels. 

Their high concentration of vitamin C plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis, helping your body utilize this vital protein properly.

Berries also come loaded with antioxidants, providing extra protection for your skin from environmental damage. 

Incorporate a generous serving of berries into the diet - blueberries, strawberries, or blackberries are good choices.

Enjoy them as part of breakfast, tossed into salads at lunch or dinner time, and even blended into smoothies for an added health boost anytime throughout the day.


Garlic does more than just add flavor to your favorite dishes. 

This pungent bulb is a powerhouse of sulfur, an essential element that plays a starring role in producing and protecting collagen from damage.

This spice boosts collagen levels in your body and provides compounds like taurine and lipid acid, which are known to repair damaged collagen fibers effectively.

Savoring garlic in your meals isn't just about pleasing your palate; it's a tasty way to help improve skin health and overall wellness by enhancing collagen synthesis naturally.


Cashews, though not a direct source of collagen, bring their benefits to the table. This flavorful nut is packed with essential minerals like copper, aiding collagen production.

Enjoying a handful of cashews in your diet can indirectly support your body's ability to produce more collagen. 

In addition, these gratifying nuts are abundant in antioxidants, which aid in safeguarding the body against oxidative harm and promote the synthesis of functional collagen, which is crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Feel free to snack on them raw or sprinkle some over your salads for an added crunch!

The Impact of Diet on Collagen Levels

Don't let your sweet tooth sabotage your glow! Overindulging in sugar and refined carbs can hamper collagen production, leaving your skin saggy and lifeless. (3)

Start waging war against wrinkles today by revamping your diet for a collagen boost.

The negative effects of sugar and refined carbs on collagen

Sugar and refined carbs warrant attention due to their destructive impact on collagen. 

Believe it or not, consuming these foods can lead to glycation, an unfavorable process where sugar molecules stiffly bind themselves with the flexible collagen fibers.

This interaction hinders the functionality of collagen in your body.

Moreover, this carb-induced glycation instigates further damage by initiating collagen breakdown. 

This degradation results in less skin elasticity and more joint pain. Also, inflammatory response within your body amplifies due to high sugar intake.

In turn, inflammation acts as a catalyst for expediting the deterioration of your precious collagen reserves.

Going a step further, regular indulgence in sugary beverages like soda or sweetened drinks is explicitly linked with faster rates of losing those useful protein strands from our system—collagen.

Also, note that seemingly harmless refined carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta are culprits here! 

They generate advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which wreak havoc on collagen and elastin fibers.

If you thought these impacts were grim enough - hold onto your hats because there's more! 

A diet laden with excess sugars and refined carbs paves the way for diverse skin troubles, including acne breakouts and premature wrinkling, all thanks to the hindered function of collagen under their influence.


Revitalizing your health with more collagen doesn't have to be a challenge, even in your busy life. 

Integrating collagen-rich foods like bone broth and berries into your meals is a delicious way to enhance your wellness. 

And for an effortless boost, consider adding a scoop of hydrolyzed collagen to your daily beverages.

Ready to take the next step in your collagen journey? 

Discover Noble's range of collagen-enriched products here. Each serving is designed to support your skin and joint health, making your path to vitality just a click away. 

Don't wait to transform your diet—start reaping the benefits of increased collagen today!


What is collagen, and how can I get it in my diet?

Collagen is a vital protein you can boost through various food sources and dietary choices, such as eating nutrient-rich foods or taking collagen supplements.

What foods are rich in collagen?

Foods like chicken, bone broth, red bell peppers, and legumes are rich in collagen. Additionally, citrus fruits high in Vitamin C aid the production of this vital protein.

Are there plant-based options for boosting collagen levels?

Yes! Leafy greens and chlorophyll-rich vegetables do not contain collagen but promote its production with their antioxidant properties. Legumes also have copper, which assists with collagen production.

Can marine life serve as a source of Collagen?

Absolutely! Marine Collagen from fish has been identified as an effective source of dietary protein for overall skin health and joint functionality.

How beneficial are Collagen-infused drinks to our diet?

Drinks like bone broth or marine-collagen-enriched smoothies provide easily absorbable animal collagens apart from being tasty options to include in your healthy diet routine.

Does intake of certain types of food increase skin elasticity while consuming Collagen-based diets?

Food items having anti-inflammatory benefits, such as capsaicin found in red bell peppers, help enhance Skin moisture due to increased skin barrier function, leading to improved Skin Elasticity when taken along with a balanced collagen-boosting Diet.

Related Studies
  1. A study from PubMed discusses the effects of 12 weeks of hypertrophy resistance exercise training combined with collagen peptide supplementation on the skeletal muscle proteome in recreationally active men found that collagen supplementation had positive effects on strength and body composition, as well as less joint pain perception after supplementation in healthy active participants and patients with osteoarthritis.
  2. A study from PubMed discusses bone broth collagen levels and chicken skin collagen research found that collagen-rich foods can help boost collagen levels naturally.
  3. A study from McKinsey discusses the effects of sugar and refined carbs on collagen skin health found that these factors can damage skin's elasticity.
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